Mutravahini Misra – Herbal diuretic complex 200 ml
Works on reducing inflammation of prostrate, urethra, kidney issues
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Product Name: Mutravahini Misra – Herbal diuretic complex
Quantity: 200 ml
The product is designed for freeing congested pathways of urinary track and kidneys that works on reducing inflammation of prostrate, urethra, kidney issues, etc… other than dissolving kidney stones, especially those suffering from prostrate, urinary incontinence, disorders get greatly benefitted. One can see the difference of pain free urine discharges and pain free walk and in lower abdomen etc… its total herbal extracted oils mix that helps quickly absorbs.
Directions to use: 2 ml in night and early morning with any hot nutritional drink or warm water. Also can be mixed with castor oil or VN Mula Dauthi Taila 2 ml in 10 ml can be infused using a needle free syringe through anal root for quick results.
Indications as an adjuvant therapy UTI infections, PCOD, fibroids, prostrate, constipation.